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&²@ @±ÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ °°°±°° ßßß °²²0000eMryZeD!$$±±0@@ @@$Ûß²²²Ü00..
&²@ SiN °°°°° °°°°°° °°±±°°±°° °±° °°±
&²@ °°±±°°°°°°°°°° °° °±°
&²@Û² °±±±°°° °°°±±±°±±°°°±°°° ° SiN °°±°
&²@ °°±±±±±±°°° °°±±±°°°°°°°
&²@ °±±±±°±±±°° °
&²@ SiN
&²@ÜÜ ÜÜÛÜÜ ÜÛÜÜ YobynnaD Û000 000 jjj uu 000000 000 00 $%%eMryZeD ÜÜÛÜ Ü ÜÜ@²&
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&²@²ÛÜ ß ÛÛÛÝ ß ß ßßßß ßßß ßßßß ß ß ßßßßß ßßß ÜÜÛÛ²@²&
&²@Ûßß ßßßßßßß ß . .. .. . ß ßßßßßß ßßÛ@²&
&²@ @²&
&²@Ý °°±° (((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))) °°±° Þ@²&
&²@ (( WeLCoMe TO ThE WOrLD OF SiN... )) @²&
&²@ (((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))) @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ SiN °°±° @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ SiN is the joining of some of the most elite rippers in the @²&
&²@ scene today. SiN is not concerned about 0-day access, nor do we @²&
&²@ care if we release something another group did a looong time ago. @²&
&²@ If we take time to rip something, it's because someone else didn't @²&
&²@ do it right the first time. SiN releases the shit we listen to and @²&
&²@ enjoy. We will never release a lame or fucked up rip. SiN rips @²&
&²@ conform to the highest standards so there will be no need to go back @²&
&²@ and fix errors or re-tag shit like you always do. If you are @²&
&²@ pissed off by our intentions, Fuck You, send it to the Recycle Bin. @²&
&²@ SiN is not here to make a name for ourselves or to dickride @²&
&²@ other clicks. We are here to release the shit we jam daily @²&
&²@ for real music lovers. @²&
&²@ °±°° @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@Ý SiN °±°° Þ@²&
&²@ °±°° @²&
&²@ÛÜÜ SiN ÜÜÛ@²&
° &²@²ÛÛÛÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÛÛÛ²@²& °
°°±±°°°°±°°°° &²@ßßßß²²ÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÛ²²ÛeMryZeD@²& °°°°°±°°°±±°°
°°±±±±±±°°°°°°°°°°°°±°° &²@ß²ß@²& °±°° °°°°°°°±±±±±±°°
°°±±°°±±±±±°±°° Ü °±±° &²@ÜÜ ÜÜÛÜ ÜÛÜÜ ÜÜ @²& °±°±±±±±±±±°°
°°±±0±±±±±±°±°°°°°±°° &²@ßß ß ßßß ßßßßß °±±°°±±±°°°°±°±±±±±±°°
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°°±±°°° &²@ÜÜ ± ÜÛÜÜ Ü ±±±° ÜÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÜ ÜÜÛÜÜ Ü@²& ±±±°°
°°±±°°° &²@Û²ßßÞÛÛ Þ YobynnaD ±°°ÞÛ²ßß²ÛÝÞÛÛß²ÛÛÝ eMryZeD ²ßßÛ@²&°°±±°°
°°±±°°° &²@Û²Ý ßÛÜ Û²Ý ßß Û²Ý ±°° Û²Û ßß ÛÛ²ÜÜÛ² ßß²²ÛÜ Û²Û ßß @²& °°±±°
°±±°°° &²@Þ²Û ÞÛ²ÝÞ²Ûßß Þ²Û ° Þ²Ûßß ÞÛ² Û²Ý Ü Þ²²Ý Þ²Ûßß ß@ ²& °°°±°
±° &²@²Û ²ÛÝ Û²Û ²ÛÜÜÜÛÛ ²ÛÜÜÜ²Û ²²ÜÜÜÛÛ Û²Ý YobynnaD ²ÛÜÜÜÛÛ ÛÛÛ@²& °±°
° &²@ ÛÛÛÛÜ ß ß ßßßß eMryZeD ßßßßß ß ß ßßß ßßßß ÜÜÛßßÛÛ²@²& °
&²@Ûßß ßßßßß ß . SiN ß ßßß ßßÛ@²&
&²@ () @²&
&²@Ý °±° ..... ENJOY! FRom YOuR FRiEnDS AT SiN ..... Þ@²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ ()()()()()()()()()()() ReLEaSE INfO BY SiN ()()()()()()()()()()() @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ ...ArTiST...: 3-6 Mafia @²&
&²@ ...ALbUM...: Chpt. 2 (World Domination) @²&
&²@ ...REcOrD LAbEL...: Hypnotize Minds @²&
&²@ ...YeAR...: 1997 @²&
&²@ ...GeNRe...: Rap @²&
&²@ ...TRaCKs...: 22 @²&
&²@ ...SIzE...: 100MB @²&
&²@ ...TiME...: 72:51 @²&
&²@ ...ENcODeR...: Lame 192kbps @²&
&²@ ...ReLeASeD BY...: SiN @²&
&²@ ...ReLeASeR...: DeZyrMe @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ ()()()()()()()()()()()() TrACkLIStiNG BY SiN ()()()()()()()()()()()() @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ ...TrACk TiTLe... ...TiME... @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ 01 We Are Waiting 1:06 @²&
&²@ 02 Studio Time 0:13 @²&
&²@ 03 Will Blast 1:31 @²&
&²@ 04 Hit A Muthafucka 3:57 @²&
&²@ 05 Are U Ready 4 Us 4:50 @²&
&²@ 06 Prophet Posse 4:13 @²&
&²@ 07 Motivated 3:40 @²&
&²@ 08 I Ain't Cha Friend 4:56 @²&
&²@ 09 Watcha Do 3:30 @²&
&²@ 10 Spill My Blood 3:59 @²&
&²@ 11 Who Got Dem 9's 3:10 @²&
&²@ 12 Gun Claps 3:15 @²&
&²@ 13 3-6 N Da Morning 2:51 @²&
&²@ 14 Tear Da Club Up 97 3:46 @²&
&²@ 15 Late Nite Tip 4:46 @²&
&²@ 16 Bodyparts 2 4:18 @²&
&²@ 17 Flashes 2:44 @²&
&²@ 18 Neighborhood Hoe 1:55 @²&
&²@ 19 N 2 Deep 3:59 @²&
&²@ 20 Anyone Out There 3:12 @²&
&²@ 21 Land Of The Lost 3:55 @²&
&²@ 22 Weed Is Got Me High 3:05 @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ ()()()()()()()()()()() ReLEaSE COmMeNTS BY SiN ()()()()()()()()()()() @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ One of 3-6's hottest releases ever. @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@Ý °±° SiN Þ@²&
&²@ () °±° @²&
° &²@²ÛÛÛÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÝÞÛ²Û YobynnaD ÞÛ² ÞÛ²ßßÛÛÝÞÛ²ß ßßßÞÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÛÛÛ²@²& °
°° &²@ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²Û²²²Û Û²Û ÞÛ² Û²Ý Û² Û²Ý Û²Ý ßß ßßÛ²²Ü Û²²Û²ÛÛÛÛÛ@²& ±°
°°±°°° &²@ßÛ²ÛÝÞ²ÛÝ Û²ÝÞ²Û Þ²ÝÞ²Ûßß ß Þ²Ûßß Ü Þ²ÛÝÞ²²ß@²& °°°°±°
°°±±°°°°°°°°° &²@²ÛÛ Þ²Û ²ÛÛÛÜ²Û ²ÛÜÜÜÛÛ eMryZeD Þ²ÛܲÛÛ@²& °°°°°°°°°°±±°
°°±±±±±±±°±°°° &²@ ß ßßßß ßßßßß ßßßßß @²& °°°°±°±±°°±±±°
°°±±±±°°°°°°°° ° °°±±°° ° °±° ° °±±° °°±° ° @²& °°°°±±±±±°
°°±±±°°°°° &²@ÜÜ Ü ÜÜÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÜÜ ÜÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÜÜ ß ÜÜ@²& °°°°±±±°
°°±±°°°°°° &²@²ßßÞÛÛ ÞÛ² ÞÛ²ßß YobynnaD ÞÛ²ßßÛÛÞÛ²ßßÞÛÛÞÛ²ß @²& °°°°°±±°
°°±°° &²@ Û²Ý ßÛÜ Üß Û²ÛÜÜÛÛÝÛ²ÛÜÜÛÛÝÛ²Ý ßß Û²Ý ßÛÜ ßß²²Û @ ²& °°°±°
°° &²@ÛÛÛÛÝÞ²Û ÞÛ²ÝÞ²Û Þ²Ûßßßß Þ²Ûßßßß Þ²Ûßß Þ²Û ÞÛ²ÝÜ eMryZeD @²& °°
° &²@²ÛÛÛßßßÛ ²ÛÝ Û²Û ²ÛÝÞ²ÛÝ ²ÛÝ ²ÛÜÜÜÛݲÛÝ Û²ÛÞÛÛܲÛÛ ÛßßßÛÛÛ²@²& °
&²@Ûßß ßÜ ß ß ß ß ß ßßßß ß ß ßßß ÜÜß ßßÛ@²&
&²@ ßß ß ß ßß @²&
&²@Ý () SiN Þ@²&
&²@ °°±° @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ 1. NOTHING °°±° @²&
&²@ 2. We are not looking for dump sites. () @²&
&²@ 3. We are DEFINATELY not looking for new rippers. @²&
&²@ () 4. We do not need your blazing fast T-1 line, well maybe! @²&
&²@ 5. NOTHING if you didn't get the picture already. @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ SiN would like to thank & give respect to... NOBODY! We did this @²&
&²@ by ourselves without help from anyone. Like we mentioned earlier @²&
&²@ SiN doesn't dickride so if u think we owe you something ,Fuck You!, @²&
&²@ we dont! SiN is not hostile at all, we are just sick and tired of @²&
&²@ all the bullshittin' and ass-kissing involved in the scene today. @²&
&²@ On a more serious note, enjoy every SiN release you get and treasure @²&
&²@ it always. And... For all u dickriders out there, KEEP ON RIDIN'!!! @²&
&²@ Seriously though, we would like to thank the clicks (and there are @²&
&²@ very few) that do it for the love of the music and not status. @²&
&²@ Be on the lookout for a SiN release near you... @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ @²&
&²@ -=() SiN iS ThE CReAtiON oF Ð@ññ¥ ßð
:: C0LDCH47 ::
:: Not Just Another Resource Blog ::

All images and trademarks are the copyright of their respective owners, we are not affiliated nor are we related to any of the companies listed on this site unless otherwise mentioned. If there is a mistake on the site and we offend you in some way, please contact me to let us know the problem and we will fix it asap.
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People search and find what they need.
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If you see something that was 'yours' when you posted it, and happen to be 'offended' someone might share something of 'yours', yet you felt free to share it and are now selective, and it's been posted here, just email me and I will take care of it, no questions.
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Information is our freedom

“Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates” -Mark Twain
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
36 Mafia - The Last Walk [2007]
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